Tom Sawyer

Studenti na anglickém představení.

Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Pardubice 25.11.2019 

Dne 25.11.2019 jsme opět navštívili krásné divadlo v Pardubicích, abychom si užili další představení v angličtině, tentokrát to byl Tom Sawyer, známé dílo amerického spisovatele Marka Twaina o dobrodružství  mladého chlapce na řece Mississipi v 19. století. 

Zde jsou ohlasy studentů: 

On Monday, we went to Pardubice to see a comedy based on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Even though the cast consisted of 5 actors, you wouldn’t tell, because of their well designed costumes and quick, almost unnoticeable switches. The story itself was catchy and funny.

Sabina Balážová,2.B 

On the 25th November 2019 our school made a small trip to Pardubice to see a theatre play - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

          The play was originally written by Mark Twain in 1860’s. The story is about a young man called Tom who has  several adventures with his friend Huckleberry Finn, including running away from home or solving a murder. The story also follows a small love story of Tom and his girlfriend Becky. I think I can say  we all really enjoyed it and we are definitely looking forward to seeing another play. 

David Kuhn, sexta

