Work and study abroad

Nejlepší investice života.

Work and study abroad  

On Thursday 14th of February  Lukáš Kerhart, a traveler and carreer consultant visited our school.

At the beginning of his lecture, one of our student, Míra Boček was honored as one of the best contestants in the Best in English competition.

Lukáš Kerhart studied in Denmark and then worked in Canada. According to his experiences, he decided to share his knowledge of education system and employment in other countries with our students. His lecture was intended to older students, who were interested in English and education and work abroad. Lukáš was talking about his life during his studies and he introduced us a lot of different programmes and opportunities for young people to study and work in a foreign country. He refused many myths and mistakes, people believe in.

And he really supported the whole class to seriously think about this option for their future. There are a lot of advantages to study abroad, you can make new friends, meet a different culture and get a great experience which you can use in your professional CV. 

During the lecture students were sharing their own experiences, and it was very interesting to hear who had already visited any kind of language course or tried to work in a different country. Lukáš Kerhart also has written the book "Cestování, nejlepší životní investice"  where he has described his  journeys and experiences.

The lecture was very interesting, and it really supported our desires to travel and study abroad.

Miriam Miškovská, III.B
